Beta-12: Version 0.19.1

This page contains information about the twelfth beta release, version 0.19.1, of OpenSpace as released on September 18, 2023. Release notes for users and a complete changelog are available on our Wiki.

A precompiled binary for Windows operating system is available, and the source code is freely available on GitHub to peruse and compile for missing platforms. The commit hash of this released version is cf04d6ce55d6cc5fe4beca6c9f16a7de1f45ceb2.


Check out available Resources and Tutorials, join our Slack workspace and Reddit, and view known or submit new issues on our GitHub.


Minimum requirements: OpenSpace is designed for use on laptops up to planetarium domes. A minimum i5 processor and Nvidia 1060 GTX GPU (or comparable), 8 GB RAM, and 4 GB VRAM are required. Apple’s M1 processor is not currently supported. For details on requirements by profile, see our Wiki.

For optimal use: We recommend using Windows 10 or Mac operating system Catalina 10.15 or newer. We recommend a machine with 16 GB RAM and 6 GB VRAM or more.

Windows users: You will also need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019, which you can download here. If you experience the error “VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found,” the Redistributable installation will fix this.

Additionally, OpenSpace will ask for permission to access the internet which causes a Windows popup window. If you do not give OpenSpace that permission, some important features, such as the user interface, will be inaccessible.

Mac users: Apple’s M1 processor is not supported. You may need to allow the package to install by adjusting your security settings to trust an unidentified developer. You also may need to change the OpenSpace folder permissions to allow it to Read & Write all items in a folder. We suggest to install OpenSpace somewhere that is not the regular Application folder for best compatibility.

For Mac and Windows installation tutorial videos, visit our Wiki.


This download includes the OpenSpace application and all necessary data for the default Profile — if another Profile is selected, the required datasets will download on startup.

The Mac release of version 0.19.1 is delayed, but we expect to be able to provide one soon. Until then, please either download version 0.18.1 below or you can build the newest version from the GitHub repository.


Additional datasets

These datasets add high-resolution images and digital terrain patches on the surface of Mars, Mercury, and Moon. They are not required but expand the data available in the standard OpenSpace download. The zip files can be extracted at any location, though an SSD is recommended for a smoother experience. Also check out the OpenSpace Hub for assets created by the OpenSpace community that can be added to OpenSpace.

Mars Download: Extra downloads of high resolution HiRISE patches (images and terrain model) on Mars. The zip download is 12.2 GB.
Mercury Download: Extra downloads of terrain patches created by the MESSENGER mission. The zip download is 36 MB.
Moon Download: Extra downloads of terrain patches for the Apollo missions to the Moon. The zip download is 7.1 GB.

While it is possible to change the location in which these are stored (by editing the OpenSpace/data/assets/customization/globebrowsing.asset file), a good location is a sister directory to the OpenSpace folder named OpenSpaceData (for example, if you installed OpenSpace in C:\OpenSpace\0.18.1, the folder for the optional planetary datasets would be C:\OpenSpaceData\Mars, C:\OpenSpaceData\Mercury, etc.) This should enable the additional datasets to be loaded into the Layers list. If you are editing the globebrowsing.asset manually, please note not to use \ in the paths and only use / as otherwise error messages will be generated at startup.



Version 0.19.1 includes 23 OpenSpace profiles. (See our Wiki for how to edit profiles and create your own.) Select your desired profile when you launch the OpenSpace application, found in the bin folder. Below find a brief description of each profile, organized alphabetically. See our Resources and Wiki for more information.